writing plan

Making a Living Writing

There are some dilemmas that twist and tear at you in the depths of night.…

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academic writing

From School to the Real…

It took me a good eight years before I shuffled off the chains of academic…

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author website

The Author Website

These days, every author needs a website. It's the best way to connect with fans…

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simple writing

Deceptively Simple Writing

Writing should look easy. I saw a poet give a reading last Wednesday night. His…

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The Writing Process

A hand writes on a sheet of notebook paper. The author watches. The author watches…

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Reconsidering Copyright

Steve Pavlina famously blogs about "Personal Development for Smart People." He is always pushing himself…

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published author

Find the Courage to Write

It's not easy to put your thoughts down on paper in the hope that someone…

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am writing

A Writer’s Excuses

Writers have a lot of excuses that keep them from writing. When I was little,…

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reading books

Does Reading Help Your Writing?

If there's one piece of advice that all established authors give to newbies, it's this: Read…

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creative writing class

7 Tips You Won’t Find…

I took writing courses as an undergraduate and earned an M.A. in writing. Even got…

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