running for your write

Running for Your Write

Wordsworth did it. Rousseau. Blake. Hemingway. Woolf. Science fiction writer Orson Scott Card even recommended…

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nyt bestseller

Become a New York Times…

Who do Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, and Gregg Braden go to when they have a…

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Making an Audio Version of…

Now that so many books are going digital, it makes sense to consider offering an…

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death of writer

Worst Time in History to…

Is this the worst time in history to be a writer? Dr. Lewis Birdseye, former…

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rich writer

Becoming a Rich Writer

Is money like water? Economist John Maynard Keynes believed so. One of his breakthrough ideas…

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rich writer

Which Would You Rather Be:…

I've always been mystified by the divide between literary writing and commercial writing. It's the…

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writing while pregnant

Writing While Pregnant

Seven months ago, I assured myself that I'd get 2 books finished before I took…

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writing group

The Writing Club

My partner asked me a question yesterday that I couldn't answer: "Isn't it a tad ironic,"…

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best writing books

3 Best Writing Books Ever

Every writer has a handful of books that have helped him or her along the…

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writing ebooks

Are Ebooks REAL Books?

Sometimes I wonder where I got the snobbery to believe that books published electronically aren't…

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